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  • Tom McBroom
  • +1 877 373 2218
  • Tobiano Golf Course, 38 Holloway Drive, Kamloops, British Columbia, V1S 0B3, Canada
It’s appropriate that owner Michael Grenier called this course Tobiano - an equine term for a multi-coloured horse - as the landscape surrounding this golfing thoroughbred is one of extreme visual variety, displaying a multitude of different hues. Described by one commentator as a “moonscape with turf,” this stunning course is set in a desolate, mountainous desert location alongside the 18-mile long Kamloops Lake reservoir to the north of Vancouver. It’s certainly one of the best natural settings that anyone has discovered for a Canadian course in many a year and designer Tom McBroom is said to have considered 20 different routings before he decided on one that incorporates a quintet of par three and par five holes. Tobiano opened for play in 2007 and the course is intimidating to a lot of golfers, especially as many of the fairways demand testing carries across deep arroyos en route to infinity greens that seem to float in mid air above the lake. Sensibly, local rules permit balls that stray into the desert to be regarded as lost in a lateral hazard, allowing a new ball to be played from a drop area. Measuring anything from a gentle 5,358 yards on the forward pegs to a monster 7,367 yards on the tiger tees, Tobiano is a totally unique course designed to enthrall golfers of all abilities who take it on. Tobiano Golf Course 位于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省的Kamloops 市。著名球员包括格雷格·诺曼和菲尔·米克尔森。距离温哥华机场约 有3小时车程。设计师是Thomas McBroom。它以壮丽的风景、挑 战性的球道和优质的服务而闻名,是高尔夫爱好者的理想选择。加 拿大球场排名前二十位。
4.6分 0人点评
4.6分 4.6分 4.6分 4.6分
220 miles NE of Vancouver